LXD PHP Client Documentation v0.0.1
Class Lxd Endpoints


 | PHP LXD Extension                                                      |
 | Copyright (c)2017-2017 LXC.systems (https://github.com/lxc-systems/lxd)|
 | This source file is subject to GNU General Public License v2.0 License |
 | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.                 |
 |                                                                        |
 | If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to         |
 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email             |
 | to license@lxd.systems so we can send you a copy immediately.          |
 | Authors: Lawrence Cherone                        |

namespace Lxd\Endpoints;

use Lxd\Endpoint;

final class Containers extends Endpoint
     * @var - Base API endpoint
    const ENDPOINT = "containers";

     * @var
    protected curl;

     * Class construct
     * @param  array          config Config array which holds object configuration
     * @param   curl
     * @return void
    public function __construct(array! config,  curl) -> void
        parent::__construct(config, curl, __CLASS__);

     * List all containers on the server.
     *  $lxd->containers->all();
     * @return array
    public function all() -> array
        var ret = [], item;
        var response = this->curl->get(this->getBase());

        if response["type"] === "error" {
            return response;

        for item in (array) response["metadata"] {
            let ret[] = this->stripEndpoint(item);
        return ret;

     * List all containers on the server.
     *  $lxd->containers->info('container-name');
     * @param string name Name of container
     * @return array
    public function info(string! name) -> array
        return this->curl->get(this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT)."/".name);

     * Get the current state of the container.
     *  $lxd->containers->state('container-name');
     * @param string name Name of container
     * @return array
    public function state(string! name) -> array
        return this->curl->get(this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT)."/".name."/state");

     * Main set state method for a container, methods below are shortcuts.
     *  $lxd->containers->setState('container-name', 'start', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string   name     Name of container
     * @param  string   action   State change action (stop, start, restart, freeze or unfreeze)
     * @param  int      timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: no timeout)
     * @param  boolean  force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  boolean  stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  boolean  wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function setState(
        string! name, 
        string! action, 
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        var response, options = [
            "action"   : action,
            "timeout"  : timeout,
            "force"    : force,
            "stateful" : stateful

        let response = this->curl->put(
            this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT)."/".name."/state", options

        if response["type"] !== "error" && wait {
            let response = this->curl->get(
                    "timeout" : timeout

        return response;

     * Start a container.
     *  $lxd->containers->start('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function start(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->setState(name, "start", timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Stop a container.
     *  $lxd->containers->stop('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function stop(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->setState(name, "stop", timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Shutdown a container - alias of stop.
     *  $lxd->containers->shutdown('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function shutdown(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->stop(name, timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Restart a container.
     *  $lxd->containers->restart('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function restart(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->setState(name, "restart", timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Reboot a container - alias of restart.
     *  $lxd->containers->reboot('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function reboot(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->restart(name, timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Freeze a container.
     *  $lxd->containers->freeze('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function freeze(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->setState(name, "freeze", timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Pause a container - alias of freeze.
     *  $lxd->containers->pause('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function pause(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->freeze(name, timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Unfreeze a container.
     *  $lxd->containers->unfreeze('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function unfreeze(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->setState(name, "unfreeze", timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Thaw a container - alias of unfreeze.
     *  $lxd->containers->thaw('container-name', 30, true, true, true);
     * @param  string name     Name of container
     * @param  int    timeout  Time after which the operation is considered to have failed (default: 30 seconds)
     * @param  bool   force    Whether to force the operation by killing the container
     * @param  bool   stateful Whether to store/restore runtime state (only valid for stop and start, default: false)
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function thaw(
        string! name,
        int! timeout = 30, 
        boolean! force = false, 
        boolean! stateful = false, 
        boolean! wait = false) -> array
        return this->unfreeze(name, timeout, force, stateful, wait);

     * Create a container from an image (local or remote).
     *  // Create container from image specified by alias
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "alias" => "ubuntu/xenial/amd64",
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container from image specified by fingerprint
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "fingerprint" => "097e75d6f7419d3a5e204d8125582f2d7bdd4ee4c35bd324513321c645f0c415",
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container based on most recent match of image properties
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "properties" => [
     *              "os"           => "ubuntu",
     *              "release"      => "14.04",
     *              "architecture" => "x86_64",
     *          ],
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create an empty container
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "empty" => true,
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container with custom configuration.
     *  // - Set the MAC address of the container's eth0 device
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "alias"  => "ubuntu/xenial/amd64",
     *          "config" => [
     *              "volatile.eth0.hwaddr" => "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
     *          ],
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container and apply profiles to it
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "alias"  => "ubuntu/xenial/amd64",
     *          "profiles" => ["migratable", "unconfined"],
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container from a publicly-accessible remote image
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "server" => "https://images.linuxcontainers.org:8443",
     *          "alias"  => "ubuntu/xenial/amd64",
     *      ]
     *  );
     *  // Create container from a private remote image (authenticated by a secret)
     *  $lxd->containers->create(
     *      "test",
     *      [
     *          "server" => "https://private.example.com:8443",
     *          "alias" => "ubuntu/xenial/amd64",
     *          "secret" => "my_secrect",
     *      ]
     *  );
     * @param string   name     The name of the container
     * @param array    options  Options to create the container
     * @param boolean  wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function create(string! name, array! options, boolean! wait = false) -> array
        var source, opts, response;

        let source = this->getSource(options);

        if (isset options["empty"] && empty options["empty"]) && empty source {
            throw "Source empty";

        if isset options["empty"] && empty options["empty"] {
            let opts = this->getOptions(name, options);
            let opts["source"] = source;
        } elseif isset options["empty"] && options["empty"] {
            let opts = this->getEmptyOptions(name, options);
        } elseif isset options["server"] && !empty options["server"] {
            let opts = this->getRemoteImageOptions(name, source, options);
        } else {
            let opts = this->getLocalImageOptions(name, source, options);

        let response = this->curl->post(this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT), opts);

        if response["type"] !== "error" && wait {
            let response = this->curl->get(
                    "timeout" : this->config["timeout"]

        return response;

     * Create a copy of an existing local container.
     *  // Copy container
     *  $lxd->containers->copy('existing', 'new');
     *  // Copy container and apply profiles to it
     *  $lxd->containers->copy(
     *    'container-name',
     *    'copy-container-name',
     *    'profiles' => ['default', 'public']
     *  );
     * @param  string name     Name of existing container
     * @param  string copyName Name of copied container
     * @param  array  options  Options for copied container
     * @param  bool   wait     Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function copy(string! name, string! copyName, array! options = [], boolean! wait = false) -> array
        var opts, response;

        let opts = this->getOptions(copyName, options);
        let opts["source"]["type"]   = "copy";
        let opts["source"]["source"] = name;

        let response = this->curl->post(this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT), opts);

        if response["type"] !== "error" && wait {
            let response = this->curl->get(
                    "timeout" : this->config["timeout"]

        return response;

     * Replace the configuration of a container
     * Configuration is overwritten, not merged. Clients should
     * first call the info method to obtain the current configuration of a
     * container. The resulting objects metadata should be modified and then passed to
     * the relace method.
     *  // Change container to be ephemeral
     *  $container = $lxd->containers->info('container-name');
     *  $container['metadata']['ephemeral'] = true;
     *  $lxd->containers->replace('container-name', $$container['metadata']);
     * @param string   name       Name of container
     * @param object   container  Container to update
     * @param boolean  wait       Wait for operation to finish
     * @return array
    public function replace(string! name, array! opts, boolean! wait = false) -> array
        var response;

        let response = this->curl->put(this->getBase(Containers::ENDPOINT)."/".name, opts);

        if response["type"] !== "error" && wait {
            let response = this->curl->get(
                    "timeout" : this->config["timeout"]

        return response;

     * Private method for getting container [source] options.
     * @param array options Options for payload
    final private function getSource(array! options) -> array
        var only, opts, attr;

        if isset options["source"] {
            let only = [

            let opts = array_intersect_key(options, array_flip(only));

            return opts["source"];

        for attr in ["alias", "fingerprint", "properties"] {
            if isset options[attr] && !empty options[attr] {
                return [attr : options[attr]];
        return [];

     * Private method for getting container [default] options.
     * @param string name    Name for options
     * @param array  options Options for payload
     * @return array
    final private function getOptions(string! name, array! options) -> array
        var opts, only = [

        let opts         = array_intersect_key(options, array_flip(only));
        let opts["name"] = name;

        return opts;

     * Private method for getting default container [empty] options.
     * @param string name    Name for options
     * @param array  options Options for payload
     * @return array
    final private function getEmptyOptions(string! name, array! options) -> array
        var attr, opts, attrs = [

        for attr in attrs {
            if isset options[attr] && !empty options[attr] {
                throw "empty => true is not compatible with ".attr;

        let opts                   = this->getOptions(name, options);
        let opts["source"]["type"] = "none";

        return opts;

     * Private method for getting default container [remote] options.
     * @param string name    Name for options
     * @param array  source  Source for payload
     * @param array  options Options for payload
     * @return array
    final private function getRemoteImageOptions(string! name, array! source, array! options) -> array
        var opts, remoteOptions, only = [

        if isset options["protocol"] && !in_array(options["protocol"], ["lxd", "simplestreams"]) {
            throw "Invalid protocol.  Valid choices: lxd, simplestreams";

        let remoteOptions          = array_intersect_key(options, only->flip());
        let opts                   = this->getOptions(name, options);
        let opts["source"]         = source->merge(remoteOptions);
        let opts["source"]["type"] = "image";
        let opts["source"]["mode"] = "pull";

        return opts;

     * Private method for getting default container [local] options.
     * @param string name    Name for options
     * @param array  source  Source for payload
     * @param array  options Options for payload
     * @return array
    final private function getLocalImageOptions(string! name, array! source, array! options) -> array
        var opts, attr, attrs = [

        for attr in attrs {
            if isset options[attr] && !empty options[attr] {
                throw "Only setting remote server is compatible with ".attr;

        let opts                   = this->getOptions(name, options);
        let opts["source"]         = source;
        let opts["source"]["type"] = "image";

        return opts;
